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Digital mailbox

There’s no doubt that e-invoicing has been a great success. As certified technical distributors, we know this. The reason, according to research, is the seamless transition between opening the invoice and paying – you can both receive and pay the invoice via the exact same channel.

The digital mailbox – which, unlike an internet bank, can manage other types of post apart from just invoices, is part of this trend – the post you choose to receive in your digital mailbox should also be payable in the same place.

For several years, 21grams has been collaborating with Kivra, the digital mailbox, which now has the largest number of private individual members. Every third Swede, to be exact.

 “You pay without the hassle of manually enter reference numbers.”

Post and invoices that have the payment function active in Kivra can be paid without the hassle of slow transfers and long reference numbers, by simply pressing a few buttons. Once you have chosen which bank account the money should be withdrawn from, it only takes a few clicks.

Do you want to give your customers the opportunity to receive and pay invoices directly in the digital mailbox? Don’t hesitate, contact us at 21grams and we’ll help you. We don’t just have the technology and the channels but also the insights and skills on how best to communicate with your customers to achieve the best possible conversion.

Three good reasons to choose 21grams

Simple. The recipient is contacted via an established channel and final payment is just a few clicks away.

Safe. We know post. As well as the technology, we have the knowledge on how to achieve the best possible conversion.

Combine. Choose one or several channels, and together we’ll set up a framework for your customers’ preferences.

Want to talk to one of our specialists?

Contact me today and i will tell you more how we deal with smarter payments

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